Frequently Asked Questions eTransport
Q1: What goods are declared in the e-Transport system? Goods transported by vehicles with a capacity of more than 2.5 tons* and meeting the following conditions are declared in the e-Transport system:
a) Goods with high tax risk, with a weight of more than 500 kg or a value of more than 10,000 lei (excluding VAT);
b) Goods (other than BRFR) transported by road within the national territory, irrespective of the mode of transportation used until arrival in the country (air, sea, rail), which meet the following conditions:
they weigh more than 500 kg or
have a weight between 31.5-500 kg and a value of more than 10.000 lei (excluding VAT).
DHL freight includes only vehicles over 2.5 tons.
Q2: Who has to declare goods in the e-Transport system?
a) For high tax risk goods: If you have a consignment of goods that includes BRFR and fulfills the above conditions, with place of loading and/or unloading on Romanian territory, you are obliged to declare in the RO e-Transport System the data related to BRFR shipments and implicitly to obtain the ITU code.
You must obtain the ITU code and communicate it to DHL if:
you are importing BRFR and you are the consignee in Romania listed in the customs import declaration;
you are exporting BRFR and you are the consignor in Romania on the export customs declaration;
you are intra-Community acquiring BRFR and you are the beneficiary in Romania. This category also includes goods received as part of processing facilities or stocks at the disposal of the customer;
you carry out domestic transactions or intra-Community supplies of BRFR and you are the supplier in Romania. This category also includes goods sent as part of processing structures or stocks at the disposal of the customer.
b) For goods transported by road (other than BRFR):
consignee entered on the customs import declaration, in the case of imports;
the beneficiary in Romania, in the case of intra-Community acquisitions of goods;
the consignor entered on the customs export declaration, in the case of exports;
the supplier in Romania, in the case of intra-Community supplies of goods;
the warehousekeeper, in the case of goods which are the subject of intra-Community transactions in transit;
the service provider in Romania, in the case of commercial operations representing a non-transfer;
the beneficiary in Romania, in the case of commercial operations representing a non-transfer;
the customer in Romania, in the case of commercial transactions which are subject to the customer's stock at disposal scheme;
the supplier in Romania, in the case of commercial transactions which subscribe to the customer's stock at disposal scheme.
Q3: How to declare goods in the VPS?
a) The tax entity in RO (consignor, final consignee) will access the SPV, after obtaining special access from ANAF (digital certificate + issuance of token for secure login in this ANAF menu). The SPV is unique and confidential for each tax entity.
b) After obtaining access, follow the steps in the e-Transport Guide published by ANAF.
c) Obtaining the UIT code involves filling in a form in which you will declare elements such as: type of operation, carrier, goods tariff code, quantity, value, etc. (follow the description in the Guide).
Q4: Is the ITU code mandatory on the transport document? According to the latest legislative amendments published in the MO 597/27.06.2024, Art. 9, point 2, states:
"(2) The driver of the transport vehicle is obliged to submit, at the request of the competent authorities, the documents accompanying the transportation of goods subject to monitoring by the RO e-Transport System, together with the ITU code. The ITU code may be presented in any intelligible form.".
Q5: What is the value to be declared in the VPS if the invoice is in foreign currency? When declaring the value the following will be taken into account:
A) the value of goods transported does not include VAT; b) in the case of commercial transactions settled in foreign currency, the conversion into lei will be made at the exchange rate of the National Bank of Romania valid on the date of declaration of the shipment in the RO e-Transport System; c) depending on the type of transaction declared in the RO e-Transport System, the value of the goods transported shall refer to the value known according to the commercial, financial or accounting documents, as the case may be, at the time of declaration; d) in the case of import operations, the value of the goods declared shall be the value entered in the external invoice
Q6: What are the situations in which the exemption for parcels under 31.5 kg (postal parcels) applies? ? Parcels weighing less than 31.5kg are considered as postal parcels if they are transported by means of transport belonging to a company holding ANCOM authorization.
Q7: Are postal parcels containing BRFR declared in e_transport for values >10000 lei? Parcels weighing less than 31.5 kg and with values greater than 10000 lei are declared in the e_transport system.
Q8: Why can't DHL provide the car numbers 3 days before the shipment starts??
The complexity of DHL shipments does not allow us to know the number of a vehicle well in advance. In domestic shipments, multiple cars are used on a rotating basis, and the identification of a number can only be done by checking the car number individually. During the lifecycle of a transport, it can be transferred to multiple cars (1-4).
Q9: Is the exception for the ITU code for parcels up to 31.5 kg granted regardless of the number of parcels/shipment? The exception is not granted if the parcels are moving together on the same means of transport, if several parcels together exceed the kg limit and are part of the same commercial consignment/trade.
**Q10 : Why one car number is transmitted and another one is presented at pick-up ** ** The DHL eTransport HUB application provides automatic updating of vehicle numbers. Please make sure that the declaration of goods will be done according to DHL recommendations.
**Q11: How can a consignment be stopped from delivery in Romania after customs processing if the consignee has not provided the ITU code? To prevent situations where the issued UIT code expires due to delays in the customs clearance process, please use the eTransport HUB application. The system allows the generation of the code only after obtaining the customs clearance.
Q12: Do you think that the application your colleagues are working on will be connected to the online tracing and notifications will come to us when the goods are about to enter the country? The system allows notifications to be sent.
Q13: How long are we required to keep track of UIT codes? Are there specifications on how these codes must be kept (e.g., electronic, paper)? During the ANAF webinar on 05/29/2024, the ANAF representative stated that an ITU code is valid/available for 6 months after issuance. Unfortunately we did not identify this information in the written material. It can be addressed separately to ANAF.
Q14: If we do not receive the vehicle registration number in time to generate the ITU code, whose responsibility is it? The taxpayer is responsible for generating the UIT code. The UIT code can be generated even if there is no actual vehicle number declared. The eTransport HUB application comes with a new feature "ITU association to AWB" and thus any transport so associated will be updated in real time.
**Q15: How /When do I generate a UIT code, but it is in customs? Can we generate it when we give the papers to your colleagues, or the next day ? What if it's not delivered until the 3rd or 4th day? ** Similar to Q11.
Q16: When do we update the machine that delivers to us? Car numbers are automatically updated in the following situations: Using the eTransport HUB application or Enter the awb number in the SPV in the Internal Operation Notification or Transport Documents section. Manually associate in eTransport HUB through the option Associate ITU to AWB.